The Era of Electric Cars opens up new Business Opportunities

The Era of Electric Cars opens up new Business Opportunities, The Electric Cars industry in the form of electric cars, electric motorcycles and electric bicycles has begun to develop and requires a battery variant as fuel. There has even been an innovation in the development of outboard motor conversions used by fishermen to be replaced with electric motors.

The Era of Electric Cars opens up new Business Opportunities

This is quite interesting, and there are also entrepreneurs of portable batteries. Because it is impossible for the name of the fisherman’s electric outboard motor to be transported to land just to be charged. So it needs to be equipped with portable batteries combined with solar panels on the roof of the ship.

Other supporting industries such as TV EV are also starting to grow, but the challenge felt by the community is the high price of Electric Cars that are currently available.

If mid-range Electric Cars are introduced, this will accelerate the implementation of Electric Cars acceleration. In addition, understanding and changing people’s behavior related to Electric Cars also needs to be continuously educated.

Electrical technology that is currently being developed is a new technology. Changes are currently in sight, inevitably the market will change in line with the increasing population of electric cars. As the volume of demand increases, prices will also be more affordable.

What is clear is that the business opportunity aka Peluang Bisnis is quite large, new business opportunities will emerge, and this accelerates our creativity in doing business. Electric cars open up new business opportunities, meaning that we all have to move, be it entrepreneurs, the wider community, there are lots of business opportunities.

I likens choosing a gas station at this time the price is very expensive. but to have an electric car business at this time there are still quite a lot of business opportunities open, the place, the land is still a lot. And all can move in that direction.

Bosch starting Electric Cars Business Opportunities

The automotive industry is now starting to intensify Electric Cars to support the clean environment program.

Bosch, a leading global provider of services and technology, believes that Electric Cars will provide new business opportunities.

“Bosch has successfully passed the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic,” said Dr. Volkmar Denner, chairman of the board of management of Robert Bosch GmbH, during an online press conference, Tuesday (27/4/2021).

“We are one of the leaders in the transition to Electric Cars, and we are developing software using AI,” he said.

In powertrain technology, electric cars are Bosch’s core business.

Denner reports that the company is currently making a large initial investment in this area, which is worth 10 billion.

To date, Bosch’s investment in electric cars amounts to IDR 87.56 trillion.

Bosch’s sales revenue from electric powertrain components is currently growing at twice the market rate, at nearly 40 percent.

“The year 2022 will be an important milestone in our journey to regain our target margin of around 7 percent in the next two or three years,” said Asenkerschbaumer.