The county received the money as part of the American Rescue Plan Act, which is a COVID-19 relief package signed into law in 2021.
WEST OLIVE, Mich. — How should Ottawa County spend $57 million? That’s the question a newly-formed committee is asking both people who live in the county, and those who own a business there.
Congress signed the American Rescue Plan Act into law in March 2021. It provides money to municipalities across the country to try to help people recover from the economic impacts of the pandemic.
Ottawa County’s Board of Commissioners has appointed an American Rescue Plan Act committee to guide the commissioners on how the $57 million should be spent. The committee members have identified some needs and are working with county officials to come up with a list of options and priorities.
The committee is soliciting feedback from residents and business owners specifically when it comes to countywide broadband, affordable housing, social and human services, and business stabilization. People in the county are being asked to prioritize those areas of concern and let county leaders know how important they think each item is.
“By the end of the year, we are anticipating funding many projects, we don’t exactly know what those are yet.” Paul Sachs, Director of Strategic Impact, says. “And we don’t anticipate expending the whole $57 million yet, which is why this feedback from our residents is very important.”
A link to a survey was posted to the county’s website and Facebook page on Wednesday. County leaders say it takes 5 to 10 minutes to complete and is available in English and Spanish. There is also ,more information on the website about how the county will use your feedback.
You have until July 31 to let your voice be heard.
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